Curriculum Vitae¶
Personal Data¶
Date of Birth: 28.11.1972, Feldkirch
Citizenship: Austrian
Academic degrees: M.Sc. Theoretical Physics (University of Innsbruck), Ph. D. (University of Innsbruck)
1991 - 2000: Theoretical Physics, University of Innsbruck, Thesis “Die Differentialgeometrie der Schrödingergleichung.” supervised by Gebhard Grübl, download
2000 - 2006: Ph. D. thesis, Medical University of Innsbruck, Ph. D. thesis “The Ventricular Fibrillation Electrocardiogram: Datamanagement, Artefact Removal, Rating, and Defibrillation.” supervised by Anton Amann, download
Professional Positions¶
2000 - 2004: research assistant, Medical University of Innsbruck
2004 - 2013: research assistant and lecturer, FH Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences
2013 - 2019: director of the master degree programme Energy Technology and Energy Economics, FH Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences
2019 - now: lecturer and researcher at the research center energy, FH Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences